Swearing for fun?

So in the time that I spent not writing more blogs, I’ve been watching quite a few commentaries. I’ve noticed a couple of trends.

1. They tend to be adults. This is understandable. Adults have more time to record than younger people. Adults also tend to have more money for recording equipment.

2. The commentators I watch swear a bit… and by a bit I mean the majority of them liberally use their profane language. This is the one that intrigues me.

Does swearing in a video make it funnier? For me? Yes, it does. I find videos in which the player swears liberally funnier and I won’t deny it. I’ll use PewDiePie as an example. If you don’t know, he got popular on a game called Amnesia. It’s a horror game and for me, it looks terrifying! Now, he plays lots of funny games and the occasional horror game. PewDiePie is a youtuber that does swear liberally while he plays games, and I DO find it funny.

Now, if swearing is funnier in a video, that could make it harder for a youtuber like myself (High School Student), whose parent could walk in at any moment and probably get them grounded. This can lead back to the point I made about popular youtuber commentators being adults, because they have their own rules on swearing.

So I don’t know, do you guys think swearing in a video makes it funnier? Does swearing substitutions have the same effect (ex: Fudging, crap, ish, etc…)? Let me know with a comment.

Thanks for stoppin’ by. Don’t forget to check out my channel here, constructive criticism is welcome, and have a good day 🙂

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